Wellbeing Blog Listing Page

Pugs love nothing more than a cuddle and snooze no matter the time of day! Find out how to keep them entertained, happy, and in good shape all throughout the year. With pugs every season can be a challenge, as they don’t cope well in hot or cold weather. Find out how different weather conditions affects them and how to keep them safe…

How to keep your pug safe around Christmas trees

Christmas trees and pugs can be a disaster in the making! However with the right tips and tricks at hand, you can keep an intact tree and pug…

How to help your pug through fireworks

Click to find out tips and tricks on how to keep your pug calm and stress free through fireworks season. And find out multiple affordable products which can help ease your pugs anxiety naturally…

How to keep your pug warm in cold weather

Pugs do not cope well in cold weather. But there are many ways that you can help them to stay warm…

How to keep your pug safe at Halloween

Planning and measures need to be put in place in order to keep your pooch safe on this night, as there are many dangerous a lot of owners are unaware about. Click to find out 11 ways to keep your pug safe at Halloween…

Why do pugs get cold?

Pugs are more likely to get colder than other breeds. This is because pugs have a unique physiology, which causes them to have certain needs in the cold weather…

How to help a pug through a storm

High winds, the sound of heavy rain, thunder, lightning and much more can create unknown sounds to dogs. This can be a highly stressful time for your pug, as it can startle them and cause a lot of anxiety…  

10 top tips on how to keep pugs safe in costumes

Avoid toxic materials…. Health issues…. Fire hazards… Temperature…

How to work from home with a pug

As working from home has increased over the years, this has also created new challenges for dog owners. While spending your working day with your pug seems like a dream, in reality this can cause a lot of challenges and disruptions to your day…

home alone

8 top tips on leaving pugs at home alone

How to keep pugs cool during hot weather

As the weather gets hot so do our beloved pugs, and think of all of that fur they have to contend with. Pugs are a brachycephalic breed, which means their noses are squished, therefore it can cause them to become hotter at a quicker rate than other breeds…

10 top tips to keep your pug safe during hot weather

As the weather starts to heat up it is important to be aware that pugs require extra special care and attention during these periods. Pugs are at an increased risk of sun stroke during hot weather, which can be fatal…